Friday, September 4, 2015

Ancietn Indian History : Source




                         Sources of ancient India's classified into two classes viz :
 I. Literary Sources
II. Archelogical Sources



                                         I. Literary Sources :

1. Vedic Literature

2. Puranas & Epics

3. Jain and Buddhist Literature

4. Sangam Literature

5. Other Literature

6. Foreign Account

                                         II.Archaeological Sources :



3.Archeological Monuments, Excavations and Explorations

                                          I. Literary Sources

                                  We have a variety of sources for reconstructing the history of ancient India but their  historical value is less because -
  • religious in nature = not give the actual data
  • no definite dates for events
  • it is difficult to arrange events in chronological order

               1. Vedic Literature

A. Four Vedas
  • They are entirely different language
  • having definite mode of pronunciation in which emphasis changes the meaning entirely
  • we cannot find much trace of political history in the Vedas but can have reliable glimpses of the culture and civilization of the Vedic period.
  • Four Vedas are - Rik, Yajur, Sama and Atharva
  •  It is collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns
  • The text in Rikveda is  organized in 10 books, known as Mandalas
  • Each mandala consists of hymns called sÅ«kta
  •  It is collection of mantras (sacred formulas)
  •  It is a collection of verses from the Rigveda (and a few new ones) that were chanted with certain fixed melodies
  • It contains both hymns and prose passages
  • It is divided into 20 books
B.Vedagngas -
  • Limbs of Vedas
  • six in number
  • each vedanga has developed a credible literature around it which are in the Sutra form i.e. precepts.

Sr. No. Vedang Discription
 1  Shiksha
  • treating the traditional Hindu science of phonetics and phonologyy of Sanskrit.
  • Its aim is the teaching of the correct pronunciation of the Vedic hymns and mantras
 2  Kalpa
  • it concerned ritual
 3  Vyakarna
  •  it deals with grammer
 4  Nirukta
  • it deals with  etymology.
  • etymology is the study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have changed over time
 5  Chhanda
  •  it deals with the study of  metre 
  •  Meter is a unit of rhythm in poetry, the pattern of the beats
 6  Jyotisha
  • it deals with astronomy

C. The Bramanas , The Aranyakas, The Upanishads -

  •  They are called later Vedic Literature
  •  The Brahmanas elaborate Vedic rituals.
  •  The Aranyakas and the Upnishads give discourses on diffierent spiritual and philosophical problems.
D. The Dharmasutras and the Smritis :

  •  these are rules and regulations for the general public and the rulers.
  •   also called Dharmashastras.
  •   these were complied between 600 and 200 B.C.
  •   manusmriti is prominent among them.

     2.Purans and Epics :

  • 18 in number
  • 5 Branches of historical studies are considered -
                 I.  ]  sarga                - evolution of universe
                 ii .]  pratisarga         - involution of universe
                 iii.]  manvantra        - recurring of time
                 iv. ] vamsa               - genealogical list of kings and sages
                 v.  ] vamsanucharita- life stories of some selected characters.

  • later on two branches are included in it viz
                i.] tirthas         -sacred places of pilgrimage
                ii.]mahatmya  - religious importance
  • The Ramayana and The Mahabharat are the epics whish may also be used as source

3. Jain and Buddhist Literature :

  • early jain literature is written in Pakrit language. Prakrit is form of Sanskrit language
  • Buddhist literature is written in Pali language.  Pali is form of Prakrit language. Pali language was Aam aadmi's  language
  • Aahoka edicts are written in Pali language.
  • Jatak kathas - Buddhist book which are given some historical importance because they are related with the previous births of Buddha. There are more than 550 such stories.

4. Sangam Literature :

  • Poetic compilations by group of poets of different times patronized by many chiefs and kings are called Sangama
  • It describes many kings and dynasties of South India.
  • These are in all 30000 lines of poetry arranged in two main groups, Patinenkilkanakku and the Pattupattu.
  • It consists of large number of poets in praise of their kings.
  • This literature generally describes events upto the fourth centuty A.D.

5. Other Literature  

 Books written in Ancient time
Sr. No. Book / play Discription
 1  Ashatadhyayi
  • written by Panini
  • book on grammer
  • 8 chapter
 2 Arthashastra 
  •  writtern by Kautilya
  • 15 chapter
  • throws light on Mauryan history
 3  Mudrarakshasha
  • written by Vishkhadatta
  • this is a play
  • gives a glimpse of society and culture
 4  Malvikagnimitram
  •  written by kalidasa
  •  it is based on some events of the reign of Pushyamitra Sunga
 5  Harshacharita
  •  written by Banabhatta
  • throw light on regin of Harsha
 6  Gaudavaho
  • written by Vakpati
  • based on the exploits of Yasovarman of Kanauj
 7 Vikramankadevacharita
  • written by Bilhana
  • describes the victories of the later Chalukya King
 8  Rjatrangini
  • written by Kalhan
  • best illustration of history writing
  • appreciated by modern histians
  • throws light on Kashmir history
  • gives impartial treatment to historical facts

6. Foreign Account :

                 We are indebted to the foreigners because of their work of writing about indian visits .  This writing throw light on ancient indian history
                 Greek , Chinese and Arab traveler have left their accounts about India.  As a Buddhist pilgrim many Chinese traveler visited India.

 Foreigner visited Ancient Indian
Sr. No. Foreigner Work importance for Study of ancient indian history
 1  Herodotus
  • written - "Histories"
  • this book gives us much imformation about Indo- Persian relation (old Persia = ancient Iran)
  • Herodotus was the first Greek geographer to describe India
 2 Arrian
  •  wrote a detailed account of the invasion of Alexander
 3  Megasthenese
  • written -'Indica'
  • He was ambassadors in the court of Chandragupta Maurya.
 4  Plotemy
  • wrote a geographical treatise on india in second century A.D.
 5  Fa-hien
  • visited India in fifth century A.D.
 6  Hiuen-Tsang
  • visited India in seventh century A.D.
  • given the most interesting and valuable account about Harshavardhana
 7 I-tsing
  • visited India in seventh century A.D.
 8  Al Baruni [Abu Rihan]
  • contemporary of Mahmud of Ghazani
  • his observations are based on his knowledge of Indian society and cluture
  • studied Sanskrit
  • he does not give any political imformation


  • epigraphs, coins throws light on history

1.Inscriptions :

  • one of the most reliable source of history.
  • it is free from later interpolations. = no changes 
  • the study of inscriptions is called Epigraphy
  • a study of development of scripts is called Palaeography.
  • in 1837 James Prinsep complete the chart of Ashokan alphabets.
  • the inscriptions of Ashoka were recorded in different years of his reign and are called edicts [rajadyna
  • the  inscriptions of Indo Greeks,Saka-kshatrapas and Kushans show the rulers engaged in social and religious welfare activities like any other indian.
  • The Junagarh Rock Inscription of Rudradaman is considered as an early example of Sanskrit
  • The Allahabad Pillar Inscription enumerates the achievements of Samudragupta
  • most of Gupta epigraphs give genealogy.
  • Aihole inscription  gives a dynastic genealogy and achievement of Chalukya king Pulkeshin II 
  • The Gwalior inscription of Bhoja gives full account of his predecessors and their achievements.

2.Coins :

  • The branch of knowledge which studies coins is called Numismatics.
  • second most important source for reconstructing the history of India.
  • Punch Marked Coin : 
                              - earliest coin
                              - silver and copper and rarely in gold.
                              - punch marked coins bear only symbols on them ,
                                each symbol is punched separately.

  •   Indo Greek Coin :
                              - silver and copper and rarely in gold.
                              - show beautiful artistic features on them
                              - the portrait of king is on  one side and some deity is depicted on other side.
                              - we know about serveral Saka- Parthians kings from this coin
  • Kushanas Coin :
                              - mostly in gold and copper rarely in silver.
                              - many Indian gods and goddesses depicted on Kushana  coins besides many Persian and Greek deities.
  • Gupta Coin :
                             - mostly in gold and silver.
                             - completely Indianised their coinage
                             - kings are depicted engaged in activities like hunting

3.Archaeological Monuments, Excavations and Explorations

  • temples and sculptures are found all over the country , these show architectural and artistic history of the Indians
  • ancient indian excavated large caves in the hills in Western India which are mostly chaityas and viharas
  • large temples have been carved out of rocks from outside like Kailasa temple of Ellora and rathas at Mamallapuram
  • the discovery of the cities Mohenjodaro and Hadappa which pushed back the antiquity of Indian culture and civilization by two thousand years. Mohenjo-daro is located in Larkana District on the right bank of the Indus River in Sindh, Pakistan.Hadappa is located on  bank of the Ravi River in Punjab, Pakistan.
  • archaeological excavations also brought to light the townships of Taxila, Kausambi, Kasi, Ayodhya, Vaisali, Bodhgaya 
  • Buddha not visited Taxila
  • archaeological discoveries have shown that tradition of rock paintings in India goes back to more than 12000 years.