Friday, February 5, 2016

The Stone Age Culture

                              Lower Palaeolithic Culture

  • 6,00,000 -60,000 B.C.
  • main tool were handaxes and cleavers, along with chopper- chopping tools.
  • they were made both on cores as well as flakes.
  • the raw material used for making these stone tools are of various kinds of stone like quartize, chert, quartz,basalt etc.
  • these tools are not found in plains of river like Ganga, Bramhaputra, Saraswati, Indus

     Important sites of Lower Palaeolithic Culture
    Sr. No.State        Site - Discription         
     1Jammu -Kashmir
    • Pahalgam                                                                                       
     2Uttar Pradesh
    • Balan valley in Allahabad District
     3 Madya Pradesh
    •  Bhimbetaka and Adamgarh in Hoshangabad District
     4 Rajasthan
    •  16 R and Singi Talav in Nagpur District
     5 Maharashtra
    •  Newasa in Ahmednagar District
     6 Karnataka
    •  Hungsi in Gulburga District
     7 Tamilnadu
    •  Attirampakkam

                                    Middle Palaeolithic Culture

    • 1,50,000- 40,000 B.C.
    • tool technology is characterized basically by the flake- tool industry.
    • the toolsaremadeon flakes obtained by striking them out from pebbles or cobbles.
    • the tool types include smalland medium-sized handaxes, cleavers and various kinds of scrapers, borers and knives.
    • tool show regional variety both in terms of available raw material and shapes and sizes
    • there are largeborers worked with steep retouch on thick flakes.
    • the scrapers are of several kinds, like straight, concave and convex sided.
    • Burines are found but not as widely distributed as in the later periods
    • important sites are Bhimbetaka, Newasa, Pushkar, Rohiri hills of upper sind and Samnapur on Narmada

                                      Upper Palaeolithic Culture

    • 45,000 - 10,000 B.C.
    • the basic technological innovation of this period is the method of producing parallel sided blades from a carefully prepared core.
    • once prepared one good core, it can yield many parallel-sided blades with very little or no further preparation.
    • the main tool types are scrapers, points, awls, burins, borers, knives etc.
    • concept of composite tools start developing during this cultural period.
    • the blade tools are comparatively large , sometime upto to 8 cm
    • rubble built is most remarkable discovery of this period.

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